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David Anders, MS

David Anders, MS

"David Anders is truly a master of the forge." -Larry Connelley

Master Smith David Anders has always hunted, trapped and used knives on the mountain top where he was born and now lives. Ander knives have been featured in many magazines and books. He has also achieved many awards including: Best Art Knife, Arkansas Custom Knife Show 1996 & Best Bowie, Las Vegas Classic Knife Show 1997.

Why make knives? "I have always loved and used knives. It was always hard to find a good knife so I decided to make a knife for myself."

What is important in an Anders knife? "The quality of the blade, edge holding ability, and durability are important to me. I try to make a useful working knife."

What is you knife making history? "My first knife was made 1987 I went to a Hammer-in at Old Washington, Arkansas. After seeing the beautiful knives of other Arkansas makers I wanted to learn more. I have been making knives ever since I earned the Master Bladesmith title.